Integrated layouts meeting (11 Feb 2015)
Chaired by: Ms. Serre, Natalia (CTA PO)
Participants: Tony Walters (LBA), Klaus-Uwe Huhnke (Lahmeyer), Rico Lindemann (DESY), Matthias Fuessling (DESY), Nick Haynes (WW+P), Andreas Foerster (MPIK), Christopher Townsley (CTA Project Manager)
Introduction to discussion
NS presented the intended idea for the meeting.
Roads and support for cabling
Tony Walters (LBA) presented his views on the roads layout, by comparing the new version, produced by LBA, to the previous generic one. He emphasised the need for it to be flexible as to allow construction phasing, and pointed out the importance of practicality during operations and infrastructure maintenance.
Rico Lindemann (ACTL) pointed out the circular (in loop) layout (previous version) would have allowed a greater level of redundancy for data cabling.
Different physical support strategies for cabling were discussed. Mr. Huhnke (Lahmeyer) recommended to have power cables directly buried underground. Rico Lindemann stated data cables would need dedicated pipes, if buried underground.
Power Network
Mr. Huhnke (Lahmeyer) presented the layout for the power network how it'd fit with the LBA new version of the roads layout. He also addressed certains aspects of what'd be needed inside buildings, from the point of view of the power distribution system.
Rico Lindemann (ACTL) pointed out that, assuming the data and power cabling will be integrated, the proposed power network layout would require more splicing for the data cables within the inner ring. This could be solved by adding a dedicated section within the transformers 'stations' just for splicing panels, especially for the case of the inner ring, though also advisable for the transformers station on the outer ring. Mr. Huhnke pointed out that the transformers buildings/containers can be specified to fit those needs.
Data Network
Rico Lindemann (ACTL) presented his views on the data network layout. He mentioned that in order to have buried cables crossing roads, the supporting infrastructure would need to be adequate as to ensure a high level of reliability. Tony Walters mentioned it could be worth having (reinforced) concrete in order to achieve the necessary level of cable protection.
RL added the new routing for the data cables would mean a small increase in the latency of the network, though not significant. He also pointed out it would imply a lower level of redundancy for the cable routing. He stressed the importance of appropriately protected cables for underground road crossings.
He also said that the new layout would imply an increase of roughly 100 k€ on the cost of the fibre optics.
Conclusions on integrated layouts
An agreement was reached on the combined layouts for the observatory. Key aspects were listed next to the agreed-on layout (see slide).
Input to building design
Nick Haynes (WW+P) joined the meeting remotely, and input for building design was given by:
Mr. Huhnke (Lahmeyer): power distribution needs
Andreas Förster (COM): COM (mainly CTF) needs
Rico Lindemann and Matthias Füßling (remote connection - ACTL): ACTL needs
It was agreed all comments would be summarised in the form of emails and sent to NS who would in turn send them to Nick Haynes (WW+P) as input for the next version of the architectural report.
Power control and monitoring integrated into ACTL
It was made clear the electrical system had its own control and monitoring system. It was even suggested that in order to keep a low number of displays in the operating room, a dedicated room for all things related to INFRA control and monitoring might even be advisable. However, it was mentioned and alarm system for certain situations (power grid failure or malfunctions) could be integrated within ACTL and the ACTL operators GUIs.
There were no AOB.
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