28–29 Nov 2019
The University of Adelaide
Australia/Adelaide timezone

Data Mining from Radio to TeV

29 Nov 2019, 10:20
Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics Building (The University of Adelaide)

Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics Building

The University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide Adelaide SA 5005 Australia


Sabrina Einecke (The University of Adelaide, Australia)


The scientific branches Big Data and Data Mining are increasingly becoming an integral part in astronomy. Numerous experiments in various energy regimes provide immense amounts of data that need to be accurately combined, analysed and interpreted. Forthcoming experiments of a new era, such as CTA or SKA, will produce mind-blowing data rates of up to multiple Petabytes per second, demanding close collaborations between the branches. This contribution will give an overview of these approaches and their applications in multi-wavelength astronomy.

Primary author

Sabrina Einecke (The University of Adelaide, Australia)

Presentation materials