22 April 2024
Australia/Sydney timezone

CTA-Oz Meeting #1 2024

(Monday 22 April 14:00 - 16:00 AEST)


This meeting will provide some updates on the status of CTA, and related key activities (funding plans, CTAO data challenge, CTA-Pol for optical astronomy). 


For ongoing updates on CTA, please visit the CTA news website for more details


The meeting will be remote only via Zoom. 

Zoom access: Zoom - https://adelaide.zoom.us/j/81631661214?pwd=N1ZGV1hKREZ3eGRZL3pQem80VFhjdz09

Please note that there is no registration fee for this event.


Scientific Organising Committee

Gavin Rowell, Uni Adelaide, Australia
Sabrina Einecke, Uni Adelaide, Australia

Local Organising Committee

Gavin Rowell, Uni Adelaide
Sabrina Einecke, Uni Adelaide
Paddy McGee, Uni Adelaide
