21 February 2024
Australia/Adelaide timezone

CTA-Oz Gammapy School 2024


Fri 16 Feb - Unfortunately we had to cancel this event (due to one of lecturers catching Covid-19). We will endeavour to reschedule the School soon. We apologise for any inconvenience (Gavin & Sabrina).


This one-day school focuses on the open-source Python packag gammapy, which is the core library for the Science Analysis tools of CTA. It is the recommended tool to analyse data from the upcoming CTAO Science Data Challenge and it is very useful to investigate prospective science with CTA. It is also widely used in the analysis of other gamma-ray instruments, such as HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS and HAWC.

The meeting will have a hybrid format held locally at the University of Adelaide, and remotely via Zoom. Venue: Room 121 Physics Building (1st floor, western end - H6 on the map shown here)

To prepare for the School, we encourage you to download and install gammpy from here - https://gammapy.org/

Zoom access: https://adelaide.zoom.us/j/89232927832?pwd=Z3BiNXh0K3BzYWovZmVCWHRDM0FLZz09

Please note that there is no registration fee for this event.

Scientific Organising Committee

Sabrina Einecke, Uni Adelaide, Australia
Gavin Rowell, Uni Adelaide, Australia
Kirsty Feijen, APC Paris, France

Local Organising Committee

Gavin Rowell, Uni Adelaide
Sabrina Einecke, Uni Adelaide
Paddy McGee, Uni Adelaide
