13 April 2023
Australia/Sydney timezone

The Gamma-Ray Emission from Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnants

13 Apr 2023, 14:20


Jemma Pilossof (The University of Adelaide)


Mixed-morphology supernova remnants (SNRs) are unique in that the exhibit X-ray and Gamma-ray properties, which are unexpected considering their advanced age. They tend to be rich in stellar ejecta, while they are some of the brightest gamma-ray remnants in our Galaxy. Currently, there has not been a consistent systematic study of the gamma-ray properties of these objects to understand why this population dominates the gamma-ray emitting SNR population. Here we present our results of the first systematic study of the gamma-ray and particle acceleration properties of these SNRs using ~13.5 years of Fermi-LAT data.

Primary author

Jemma Pilossof (The University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials