Gavin Rowell
(University of Adelaide)Dr
Fabien Voisin
A key science focus of CTA will be the search for the Milky Way's extreme accelerators, the so-called PeVatrons. These are astrophysical objects accelerating cosmic rays to PeV energies and beyond. The HESS Galactic Plane Survey has revealed a number of potential PeVatrons in addition to the inner Galactic Centre region. This talk will outline the CTA's potential to explore uncharted territory in the >50 TeV gamma-ray regime which will probe cosmic rays escaping their accelerator regions and interacting with the surrounding interstellar gas.
Primary authors
Gavin Rowell
(University of Adelaide)
Sabrina Einecke
(The University of Adelaide, Australia)
Miroslav Filipovic
(Western Sydney University)