13 April 2023
Australia/Sydney timezone

SWGO time line and synergies with CTA

13 Apr 2023, 13:10


Jose Bellido (The University of Adelaide)


The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will be built in South America to survey the Southern sky for gamma-ray sources from hundreds of GeVs to beyond PeV energies. The candidate site will be decided by the end of 2023 and construction will start in 2024. It is expected that SWGO would be fully built by the end of 2026. SWGO will deploy 6500 particle detectors (Water Cherenkov Detectors) over an area of 1 square km. However, with only 10% of its final size (by early 2025), it will be already larger than the HAWC gamma-ray observatory in Mexico and ready to produce important scientific data. SWGO can observe almost the entire sky above the detector and it has a 100% duty cycle. Therefore, it is the ideal instrument to trigger on transient events (on the Southern Hemisphere) and send rapidly trigger alerts for follow up at other wavelengths. In this presentation I will describe the Observatory and its status. I will focus on the capability to trigger transient events and send trigger alerts to CTA.

Primary author

Jose Bellido (The University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials