30 November 2022
Australia/Sydney timezone

Modelling the transport of electrons towards HESS J1825-137

30 Nov 2022, 12:35


Tiffany Collins (The University of Adelaide)


HESS J1825-137 is one of the most powerful and luminous TeV gamma-ray pulsar wind nebulae (PWN). This makes HESS J1825-137 an excellent laboratory to study particle transportation in and around the powering pulsar. We have modelled the diffusive and advective transport of electrons from the powering pulsar, PSR 1826-1334. The resulting X-ray and gamma-ray emission was predicted through interactions with a 3D grid of interstellar medium gas (ISM), soft photon fields and a spatially varying magnetic field. We have also investigated the gamma-ray contamination of nearby HESS J18226-130 by HESS J1825-137

Primary author

Tiffany Collins (The University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials