30 November 2022
Australia/Sydney timezone

Investigating a Stereo Trigger in a Small IACT Array

30 Nov 2022, 12:00


Simon Lee (School of Physical Sciences, University of Adelaide)


An Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) site in Australia, as part of a worldwide network of IACTs, would be crucial for achieving 24-hour all-sky coverage of the GeV to TeV sky for transient followup and continuous source monitoring. Extending on previous work which compared the performance of different small IACT array configurations, the effect of implementing a stereoscopic trigger to these arrays has been studied. Only selecting events that simultaneously trigger multiple telescopes at once allows the trigger threshold to be reduced without increasing unwanted triggers from the night sky background. This lower trigger threshold can lead to more detected low-energy events, improving the observation of transient events which are typically far brighter at lower (GeV) energies. This talk will describe how the stereo trigger was fairly implemented, present the resulting changes in performance, and outline current research into implementing a topological trigger.

Primary author

Simon Lee (School of Physical Sciences, University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials