30 November 2022
Australia/Sydney timezone

Towards CTAO's 1st Science Data Challenge

30 Nov 2022, 10:50


Sabrina Einecke (The University of Adelaide, Australia)


CTAO's first Science Data Challenge (SDC) us currently in preparation. It will provide simulated science-ready (DL3) data products of a complex and realistic gamma-ray sky. The main objectives are to enable a broad scientific community to become familiar with the CTAO data products and scientific analysis tools, to serve as a test bed to for driving forward new algorithms and to verify processes. As a secondee of the SDC technical team, I'm preparing the observation schedule in correspondence with the different science group leaders.
In this talk, I will introduce the SDC and give an overview of the science to be simulated.

Primary author

Sabrina Einecke (The University of Adelaide, Australia)

Presentation materials