13 April 2022
Australia/Sydney timezone

Pilot Survey Science from the GASKAP-HI Survey

13 Apr 2022, 13:50


Nickolas Pingel


The Galactic ASKAP (GASKAP) Survey provides an unprecedented view of the neutral hydrogen (HI) emission and absorption within the Milky Way disk and Magellanic System. I will summarize science results from our pilot survey fields on the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, Magellanic Bridge, and Galactic Plane (centered on a longitude of 340 deg). These highlights include the characterization of the turbulent properties of HI down to 10 pc scales in the SMC and the analysis of the cold neutral medium as traced by HI absorption in the SMC and Galactic Plane. These new cubes are the result of an imaging pipeline designed to manage the unique challenges of imaging extremely extended emission. The GASKAP data and preliminary science results presented in this talk demonstrate, for the first time, the study of HI on similar spectral and angular scales as available molecular gas and dust data.

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