12 April 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

CTA-Pol: A Polarimetry Capability for CTA-Oz

12 Apr 2021, 14:00


Nick Tothill (Western Sydney University)


Polarimetric monitoring is an important ancillary science theme for CTA, since it shows the state of blazars. Provision of an Australian polarimetric monitoring capability will extend the time coverage of these sources. A major element of the current CTA LIEF grant is the construction and commissioning of a polarimeter, and its deployment to Australian telescopes. This polarimeter will be based on the HIPPI and PICSARR polarimetry methods developed by Jeremy Bailey at UNSW, optimised for the CTA monitoring use case.
We summarise the science drivers and design progress for this instrument, and look ahead to programme possibilities.

Primary author

Nick Tothill (Western Sydney University)

Presentation materials